Blue Diamond conduit is shipped on metal reels, ranging from sizes 48" - 120". The most common size is 96". Reels may be returned to Blue Diamond either fully assembled or, preferably, broken down to maximize the number that can fit on a truck. Typically, a truck can return up to 16 empty reels (assembled) to Blue Diamond or 80 reels (broken down). Staves are removed and returned with the reels, this is also done sometimes when storage is an issue.
Blue Diamond offers 2 options when returning reels.
Option A
At Blue Diamond's expense, arrangements for a truck to pick up will be made. No credit will be given to the customer when his option is selected. Use the below contacts to schedule an empty reel pickup. Please include the number of reels, address for pickup, a contact name and phone number and the hours available for pickup when requesting a pickup.